Michael D. and Patricia A. Sublett Geography Professional Development Fund

The Michael D. and Patricia A. Sublett Geography Professional Development Fund was established in 2020 to support professional development for students in the Geography program at Illinois State who are Geography and Geography Education majors. The Sublett family moved to Bloomington-Normal in August 1970. Geographer Michael served as a professor in the Department of Geography-Geology between September 1970 and August 2015. From 1978 to 1988, he chaired the Department. Patricia managed the University Registration Office from 1971 until 1978. Michael developed and implemented the Geography Internship Program in 1985 that majors in Geography complete prior to graduation to this day. He also oversaw the publishing of the first 40 volumes of our Department yearbook, Glacial Deposits. This award is a testament to the Subletts' continued commitment to the success of Geography students and the program.