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College of Engineering

Our Priorities

The college has identified four key priorities which are highlighted below.

  • Expand student support

    Privately funded scholarships enable the college to attract and retain high-performing students.

  • Sustain Excellence

    Generous, ongoing support for the excellence funds within the college and each department allows for a quick response to opportunities that benefit students and faculty, while enhancing the college’s reputation for academic excellence.

  • Enhance Laboratories and Learning Spaces

    Naming opportunities for state-of-the-art laboratory/learning spaces, and equipment. Laboratory/learning spaces will allow our students to experience realistic engineering problems, and practice high-risk solutions in a low-risk environment.

  • Increase Corporate Engagement

    Continue to identify meaningful ways for businesses to engage with the College of Engineering. 

Your impact

Make an impact today by investing in the College of Engineering. Give to our Excellence Fund or select a featured program or opportunity below. Contact us to speak to a development officer about other ways to make a difference.

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Giving News

Reggie Redbird dressed as magician waving a wand.
Birds Give Back, Illinois State University’s annual day of giving, is Thursday, February 27.
2 students male and female with drill
Illinois State recently received a $1 million gift commitment from Archer-Daniels-Midland Company [...]
Three students working together on a computer
Illinois State University received a $3 million gift commitment from State Farm® on December 19, [...]

Your Gift

Gifts of all sizes make an impact on our students, faculty, programs, and facilities. Beyond the monetary gift, outright gifts such as securities, real estate, and gifts-in-kind are other ways you can make a difference. Contact us today to discuss giving options.

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