University Galleries Funds

Total funds:  3

University Galleries

The University Galleries Fund supports student scholarships for the Illinois State University Student Annual Exhibition, workshop supplies and transportation stipends for K-12 student field trips, artists' honoraria, and exhibition catalogues. The fund also serves as the base for scholarships and awards given to students with a particular interest in visual arts.

Additionally Supports: Creative Technologies Best Interactive Media and Technology, Creative Technologies Special Achievement Interactive Media, DeGeal Interactive Design Award, ISU Glass Department Award, ISU Graphic Design Best Newcomer Award, ISU Graphic Design Program Best Concept Award, ISU Graphic Design Program Best Typography Award, ISU Graphic Design Program Best in Show Award, Karolee Johnson Memorial Award, Randy Reid Jewelry Award, Richard D. Finch Undergraduate Drawing and Printmaking Award, Silica Ceramics Club Award, Student Annual Scholarship

University Galleries Exhibition Program Endowment

The University Galleries Exhibition Program Endowment was established in December 2014 by Dr. James E. Major and Dr. Amy Gilreath Major. The Galleries regularly exhibit and promote art by ISU faculty, students, and alumni. The purpose of the fund is to supplement catalogue printing and design, installation materials, documentation of art, and educational programming.

Additionally Supports: Juror's Choice Award