Alumni Seminar Series in Genetics Fund

This endowment was established in 1998 by a group of former students of Herman E. Brockman in honor of his retirement. The fund is used to support the alumni seminar series in genetics in the Department of Biological Sciences. If additional dollars are available the fund may be used to finance awards to graduate and exceptional undergraduate student(s) in biology for their attendance at national or international scientific meetings in the field of genetics. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. The Herman E. Brockman Fund was established in 1998 by a group of former students of Herman E. Brockman in honor of his retirement. The fund supports the alumni seminar series in genetics in the Department of Biological Sciences. If additional dollars are available the fund may be used to finance awards to graduate and exceptional undergraduate student(s) in biology for their attendance at national or international scientific meetings in the field of genetics.