Biological Sciences Funds

Total funds:  8

School of Biological Sciences General Fund

The Biology Fund supports the general operating needs of the School of Biological Sciances at Illinois State University. The School of Biological Sciences advances the growing body of biological knowledge through synergistic programs in research, teaching, and service. Their faculty conducts basic and applied research to educate, mentor, and train successive generations of scientists and to command national and international recognition. The School of Biological Sciences General Fund supports the general operating needs of the School of Biological Sciences at Illinois State University. The School of Biological Sciences advances the growing body of biological knowledge through synergistic programs in research, teaching, and service. Faculty conduct basic and applied research to educate, mentor, and train successive generations of scientists and to command national and international recognition.

Additionally Supports: Gerry Grace D’Elia Memorial Award for Undergrad Teaching Assistants, Jennifer Grogg Student Teaching Stipend Award, Outstanding Biology Teaching Assistants

Alumni Seminar Series in Genetics Fund

This endowment was established in 1998 by a group of former students of Herman E. Brockman in honor of his retirement. The fund is used to support the alumni seminar series in genetics in the Department of Biological Sciences. If additional dollars are available the fund may be used to finance awards to graduate and exceptional undergraduate student(s) in biology for their attendance at national or international scientific meetings in the field of genetics. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. The Herman E. Brockman Fund was established in 1998 by a group of former students of Herman E. Brockman in honor of his retirement. The fund supports the alumni seminar series in genetics in the Department of Biological Sciences. If additional dollars are available the fund may be used to finance awards to graduate and exceptional undergraduate student(s) in biology for their attendance at national or international scientific meetings in the field of genetics.

Dr. Robert H. Gray Biology/Ecology Scholarship

This endowment was established in 2005 by Robert Gray. The purpose of the fund is to encourage and support graduate students studying ecology, evolutionary biology, and/or ecological sciences in the Department of Biological Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. The Dr. Robert H. Gray Biology/Ecology Scholarship was established in 2005 by Robert Gray. The purpose of the fund is to encourage and support graduate students studying ecology, evolutionary biology, and/or ecological sciences in the Department of Biological Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences.

Dr. John B. Colwell Scholarship

This endowment was established in 1981 by the widow of Dr. John B. Colwell in his honor and memory. Colwell died in 1970 after practicing medicine in Champaign, IL. He attended Illinois State Normal University. The purpose of the fund is to provide recognition and award to an outstanding pre-med student(s). Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. This endowment was established in 1981 by the widow of Dr. John B. Colwell in his honor and memory. Colwell died in 1970 after practicing medicine in Champaign, IL. He attended Illinois State Normal University. The purpose of the fund is to provide recognition and award to an outstanding pre-med student(s).

Robert D. Weigel Fund

This endowment was established by the Beta Lambda Chapter of the Phi Sigma Society in honor of the retirement of Robert D. Weigel. The research grant is awarded based on proposals submitted to the Phi Sigma grant committee. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. The Robert D. Weigel Fund was established by the Beta Lambda Chapter of the Phi Sigma Society in honor of the retirement of Robert D. Weigel, who taught at Illinois State for 24 years and served as an advisor to Phi Sigma Society. Later significant gifts were given by other faculty and friends and an estate gift from Weigel. This fund is established by the Beta Lambda Chapter of the Phi Sigma Society to honor Dr. Robert D. Weigel upon his retirement. The fund will provide financial resources to bring outstanding scientists to the ISU campus each year. These distinguished professionals would give seminars and workshops and be available to students to discuss their research and their philosophical approach to science. The fund will also be available to provide student research awards to graduate and undergraduate students in the School of Biological Sciences.

Dr. H. Tak Cheung Endowment for the General Education Teaching Assistant Award

This fund was established by H. Tak Cheung to acknowledge the contributions of teaching assistants in the Introduction to Biology course he developed and teaches for non-majors, and to support projects to further the mission of general education in Biology. Cheung joined Illinois State in 1979 as an assistant professor of Microbiology. After rising to the rank of full professor, he became department Chair in 1997, and Executive Director when it became the School of Biological Sciences in 2008. Candidates must be in good standing at Illinois State, demonstrate dedication and commitment in developing and teaching a nonmajor biology course, and submit an application.

Charlena Wallen Scholarship

The Charlena Wallen Memorial Scholarship in Biology was established in memory of Charlena Wallen by her husband Donald Wallen, a building services worker in Felmley Hall in 2002. The Scholarship is awarded annually to a student conducting research in Felmley Hall.

Fund for Disease Control and Prevention Research

The purpose of this fund is to provide additional resources to Illinois State University faculty conducting research in the area of human disease control and prevention.