Robert D. Weigel Fund

This endowment was established by the Beta Lambda Chapter of the Phi Sigma Society in honor of the retirement of Robert D. Weigel. The research grant is awarded based on proposals submitted to the Phi Sigma grant committee. Assets of this endowment are invested in the Illinois State University Endowment Investment Pool. The Robert D. Weigel Fund was established by the Beta Lambda Chapter of the Phi Sigma Society in honor of the retirement of Robert D. Weigel, who taught at Illinois State for 24 years and served as an advisor to Phi Sigma Society. Later significant gifts were given by other faculty and friends and an estate gift from Weigel. This fund is established by the Beta Lambda Chapter of the Phi Sigma Society to honor Dr. Robert D. Weigel upon his retirement. The fund will provide financial resources to bring outstanding scientists to the ISU campus each year. These distinguished professionals would give seminars and workshops and be available to students to discuss their research and their philosophical approach to science. The fund will also be available to provide student research awards to graduate and undergraduate students in the School of Biological Sciences.